Brexit round-up: investors positive about Brexit

Here is a round-up of some of the top Brexit–related stories this week.

Investors positive about Brexit
56% of investors are happy about Brexit, according to a survey by The Share Centre. 49% say the impact on stock markets and their investments has been better than predicted.

However, some investors remain concerned with 73% surprised by the leave vote and 49% worried by the result.

Richard Stone, chief executive of The Share Centre, said:

“Despite the result being in line with the balance of personal investors’ preferences, the result came as a surprise to most and has left nearly half worried about the consequences.”

Manufacturing prospects on hold
Manufacturing growth is predicted to slow over the next 3 months, according to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

Rain Newton-Smith, chief economist at the CBI, said:

“It’s clear that a cloud of uncertainty is hovering over industry, post-Brexit. We see this in weak expectations for new orders, a sharp fall in optimism and a scaling back of investment plans.”

Economy growth slows in Q3
IHS Markit’s figures show that the country’s economic growth slowed at the start of Q3. Output and orders both fell for the first since 2012. Activity in the manufacturing and service sectors slowed during July.

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