Over-40s braced for working longer

Half of all workers aged 46 to 64 do not expect to have enough money in their pension pot to retire when they reach state pension age.

YouGov polled 2,112 working adults on behalf of charity Age UK and found 35% expect to be working the same hours in their late 60s.

Of those who expect to retire when they reach their state pension age, only 17% said it was because they will be financially secure enough to stop working.

Age UK is calling on the government to help people explore how they can put enough money aside for the future while there’s enough time left to make a difference.

It proposes a ‘career MOT’ at the age of 50, which appealed to 51% of over-50s and 60% of those aged between 40 and 44.

Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK, said:

“Our research shows millions of people across the country will need to continue working in some capacity past their state pension age.

“With the state pension age continuing to rise, and people inevitably having to work longer, there is a growing need for everyone to make informed choices about training options, pension provision and future career options in order to make a successful transition to the retirement they aspire to.”

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