Self-assessment paper deadline looms

The deadline for submitting your self-assessment tax return on paper is midnight 31 October 2017.

Those choosing to file a paper tax return must fill in form SA100.

Before you begin, you should have the following information (plus your national insurance number) to hand:

  • P60 year-end certificates
  • P11D expenses or benefits forms
  • P45 if you have left employment
  • Payslips
  • Personal pension information
  • Bank statements
  • Information on any dividends or investments.

Individuals who do not have tax deducted from their wages, pensions and savings, plus those with additional sources of income, will usually have to complete a tax return.

If you need to submit a return on behalf of business partnership or non-resident company or as a trustee, you will need the following forms:

  • Non-resident companies: SA700
  • Partnerships: SA800
  • Trust and estate: SA900
  • Trustees of a registered pension scheme: SA970.

Those who submit their tax return online have until midnight 31 January 2018.

We can help with any aspect of self-assessment.

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